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update 10/something/23
forgot to write about this earlier. used some backend magic to get rid of all the javascript on the webrings. serverside function takes place of figuring out what the random/previous/next links should be and injecting them into the webpage in the same way as the viewcount.
update 9/9/23
i've just completed a backend overhaul that will make it way easier to change how the site looks. it was a huge pain in the ass to update the style of the site because i had to change every single page individually. in addition, i went the route of sckzor and have opted to inject the viewcount into the html instead of requesting it client-side. this makes my site javascript free except for some webring widgets on the links page.
this site is just html + css, just as the web was intended to be. i had to bow to the dark side for like 2 lines of js for the view counter but i am going to pass that off as ok because it is vanilla js, in a script tag, just setting a div to a number, but i understand if you wish to shame me for it. my friend sckzor does his view counter by injecting the number into the right before it gets sent to your browser, which is definitely one way to do it. my backend is different, i have an endpoint that returns the number of views which gets stored in a file and then increments it every time it gets requested. it only increments on views to the index page. my backend is written in a couple lines of rust, running on the rocket framework. it works and i haven't needed to touch it to change a thing since i wrote it like 6 months before the site even went live.

on the night before 2023 i pushed a visual overhaul, replacing the original pretty bare just black-and-white and left-aligned page i made pretty hastily because it had been like 9 months of me redrafting the design every couple weeks and not actually publishing a site. i just needed to get it up. now i can experiment! hope it looks ok. if it looks awful let me know at my email (on my about page somewhere i think) and i'll accelerate the eventual redesign.