skelegorg : index

index about projects posts media links
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Welcome to this site! Enjoy your stay.

I'll play it first and tell you what it is later.

Animated button:

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linux now! absolutely zero cookies gary larson benis dr pepper
  • 09-10-24 - New post vigilante repair.
  • 08-19-24 - Updated stationary post for style and relevance.
  • 08-11-24 - Uploaded fountain pen stand project here.
  • 08-08-24 - Finally got the site up and running again thanks to cloudflare. Updates will resume finally. Fountain pen stand project post coming very soon.
  • 05-30-24 - Exams and things over. Going on a trip soon, but I'll be updating again in a few weeks.
  • 04-10-24 - New project post about making a custom gaming mouse here. From now on, I'll be using capitalization on this website.
  • 03-03-24 - Made a post complaining about a mouse here.
  • 02-14-24 - Fixed one or two little things that were kind of broken. Expect a new project post coming soon for something i'm making for a friend. (see 04-10-24 update)
  • 02-01-24 - Site went down for a month because the server went down and I couldn't get to it to bring it back up. New project post here and book review on Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport here.
  • 12-10-23 - New post about stationary here. Exams are upon me, no updates for at least 2 weeks
  • 12-05-23 - Happy December! Made about page pink, button hover effect on red pages. I'll make a proper update in a few weeks when midterms are over.
  • 10-31-23 - Adjusted wording on some posts, made project pages yellow. Updated editors post. Still alive (for now).
  • 10-13-23 - Updated music post.
  • 10-02-23 - Happy October. Added some pictures from the summer to media and fixed the styling so it still shows my old pictures.
  • 09-27-23 - Fixed some styling, added music post.
  • 09-25-23 - Changed behavior of viewcounter so search engine indexing should not increment it.
  • 09-14-23 - Fixed media page when you make it smaller.
  • 09-13-23 - Fully restyled the projects parent page and recolored the project pages themselves. K like red but it was too consistent.
  • 09-12-23 - I think I've purged all the javascript from the page, i emulated the behavior of the onionring javascript in my backend and inject it at request time. Webring member lists are refreshed by a cronjob on my server. New projects page!
  • 09-09-23 - Backend overhaul, please let me know if anything is broken.
  • 09-04-23 - Updated some stuff, fixed some stuff, school is back so i'll update more often now.
  • 08-07-23 - Restyled posts parent page and all posts. I have been trying to figure out where to put the color yellow on this page.
  • 08-04-23 - Been a minute. Updated the editors page and added reamde to books.
  • 06-12-23 - Updated the pomodoro page, created an editors page so I can complain about bad text editors.
  • 06-04-23 - I wrote a whole post a while ago about editors and how nice it was to use plain vi again and then I installed astronvim and I cannot live with the hypocrisy of keeping that post up.
  • 06-01-23 - General updates so some pages.
  • 05-24-23 - Added a parts list to the pomodoro post.
  • 05-20-23 - Posted a writeup of a pomodoro timer project.
  • 05-17-23 - Made a books page.
  • 05-4-23 - There is a severe lack of thorough and understandable explanations of WPA3 on the internet it seems. I might write a post about it soon (not that it will show up in search results to help anyone else but its the thought that counts).
  • 04-27-23 - 7 months later i finally have an 88x31 button.
  • 04-22-23 - Dear god its been another month, working on a project right now, I'll write a post on it when I'm done.
  • 03-10-23 - Back after a month - new project page added. Happy March!
  • 02-2-23 - Happy February - reworded some stuff on a few pages.
  • 01-26-23 - Updated my volumetric display page with 'developments'. One day i swear i'll finish the project. Also changed some wording on the about page.
  • 01-18-23 - New post about editors, updated the interpreter post, super brief change to about page.
  • 01-1-23 - New post about writing a language interpreter, reversed order of media, updated "this site" and the volumetric display project pages. Happy new year!
  • 12-31-22 - I'm not dead, solid redesign in time for new years!
  • 11-28-22 - Updated volumetric display page.
  • 11-21-22 - Added volumetric display project page.
  • 11-12-22 - Fixed tim (now rubbishbin)'s website link, updated my laptop's description in about, added some pictures.
  • 10-26-22 - added a bunch of pictures to media. happy fall coming up!
  • 10-18-22 - Published a new PR - SerenityOS. made a page for tracking contributions.
  • 10-07-22 - Added a new post where i made a tcp file transfer program with C.
  • 09-27-22 - Added media page, check it out!
  • 09-26-22 - Added status box and buttons!
  • 09-25-22 - Updated links page, will start updating site more frequently now.
  • 09-13-22 - Site went up for the first time